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30 pages of results. 1. A Test of Time: Volume I the Bible - From Myth to History by David M. Rohl [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1996:1 Home | Issue Contents REVIEWS A Test of Time: Volume I the Bible - From Myth to History by David M. Rohl (Random Century, 1995). In Volume XIV of Chronology and Catastrophism Review, I reviewed Centuries of Darkness, in which Peter James, in collaboration with Nick Thorpe, Nikos Kokkinos, Robert Morkot and John Frankish, examined the archaeological record of Western Asia, the Mediterranean basin and prehistoric Europe in the Late Bronze and early Iron Ages and concluded that the Dark Age', which a majority of archaeologists and ancient historians had identified between the early 12th and late 8th centuries BC, did ...
2. Problems for Rohl's New Chronology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1991 No 1 (July 1991) Home | Issue Contents FORUM Problems for Rohl's New Chronology Emmet Sweeney questions: A. Greece David Rohl places the Trojan War around 950 BC and the end of the Bronze Age about fifty years later. Yet these early dates fly in the face of a great body of evidence. The Olympiads: 1. How is it that Homer, who must have been born within a century of the First Olympiad (traditionally 776 BC), speaks of King Nestor as a victor in the Games? (Iliad xi, 671, & 761) 2. How is it that numerous Heroic Age figures who ...
3. Testing Rohl's Test of Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... is more wrong in some parts than others, although the allover trend is con-sistently astray. It is also, in terms of raw information, much shorter than its bulk and title promise, where so much space is given over to attractive, well organized informative visuals (commercially often the key ingredient in non-fiction pub-lishing), showing that David Rohl was well advised on this important "flavour of the month" issue. In far too many instance though, surveying these immensely enjoyable cameos becomes unintentionally a diversion, resulting in difficulty in grasping the full flow, at least so it proved to this writer. To be candid, I would have preferred the same space to have been ...
4. The Role Of The Nile In Egyptian Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 1996 reprint of the 2nd edition of Kitchen's The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100-650 BC) [1 ] included a new Preface emphasising a west-Theban graffito that supposedly noted the arrival of the flood on III 3ht 3 in Year 1 of Baienre (= Merneptah). This is the usual reading. Later, an alternative reading by David Rohl will be considered. On p. xlv, Kitchen gives the full graffito [2 ] as follows: Year 1, 3rd month of Akhet [= Inundation], day 3, (on) this day of the descent made by the water of the great inundation - (under) King of S & N Egypt, Baienre ...
5. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 6 No 1 (May 1985) Home | Issue Contents Forum Question from Bob Doorenbos: In the Rohl/James Chronology (item 19(c ) on page 20 of WORKSHOP 5:2 ) it is argued that the Shishak' who gave his daughter to Solomon as a wife cannot have been Thutmose III as per Velikovsky's suggestion because Thutmose III did not reign long enough. On page 7 of WORKSHOP 5:3 this is again stressed by David Rohl in the reply to Jim Clarke's question. However, it was never suggested by Velikovsky, nor is it stated in the Bible, that the Shishak who sacked the Temple and Pharaoh' ...
6. The 'New Chronology' and the Amarna Period [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 2 (Jan 1994) Home | Issue Contents The New Chronology' and the Amarna Period Jeremy Goldberg asks Where's David? ' A fairly recent article by D. Rohl and B. Newgrosh (C . & C. Review :X , 1988, pp. 23ff) dates the end of the Amarna period diplomatic archive to the early reign of David. Such a dating requires, of course, some sort of account of David's role in this archive. However, the proposals which have been offered range from speculative to quite far fetched. Based on an identification (see below) of Labayu with Saul, these writers ...
7. A Testing Time [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS C & C Review 2003 (Nov 2003) Conference Proceedings Ages Still in Chaos' Home | Issue Contents A Testing Time David Rohl David Rohl is author of A Test of Time and Legend and is Chairman of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. He is Archaeology Correspondent for The Express newspaper. David Rohl discussed some of the criticisms of two areas of the New Chronology raised by Dr John Bimson: * the period when Jericho was destroyed in the Middle Bronze Age and * whether the Dynasty XX can be compressed sufficiently to have Samaria and Iron Age I pottery coexisting with Omri and Ahab. He discussed whether the A Test of Time Chronology' ...
8. Rohl's Revised Egyptian Chronology: Difficulties and an Alternative [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History XV:1 (Jan 1993) Home | Issue Contents Rohl's Revised Egyptian Chronology: Difficulties and an Alternative Jeremy Goldberg A recent article by David Rohl appears to have presented a number of very sound Egyptological arguments for a considerable shortening of Egyptian chronology between Dynasties 19 and 26.1 However, his proposed alternative chronology2, which would down date year 67 of Ramesses II from 1213 to 867 BC, is clearly too short by a wide margin. Likewise, this appears to be the case even for Rohl and James' previous downdating of this regnal year to c. 920.3 The preceding negative conclusions already appear to be required on purely ...
9. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 5 No 4 (1983) Home | Issue Contents Forum Questions and Answers on the Revised Chronology of Rohl & James Questions from Marvin A. Luckerman I have to sympathise with David Rohl and Peter James for their effort to find a suitable chronology for the ancient world. I have certainly read many books, articles, etc on ancient history which has made me vacillate between the conventional chronology, Velikovsky's chronology, the "Glasgow chronology", Courville's chronology, and many others. On this new attempt, it is hard for me to accept it at this time. My main objection to it is the equating of Ramesses II with Shishak, the ...
10. Critique of David Rohl's A Test of Time [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of David Rohl's A Test of Time by Dale F. Murphie Dale Murphie has spent his working life in accountancy and commerce. He is also a research consultant on family history and genealogy. He is currently preparing for publication a book on a revised chronology, based on Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos but bringing in many changes. According to David Rohl, The evidence from the Egyptian monumental reliefs, artefacts and documents points to the identification of Ramesses II as the historical counterpart of the biblical Shishak, conqueror of Jerusalem' [1 ]. The evidence certainly points to Ramesses II having been in the Judaean capital but is this conclusion the only option? Velikovsky's Revised Chronology also had Ramesses ...
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