Founder: Johan B.Kloosterman, field geologist, Caixa Postal 41.003 Rio de Janeiro / BRASIL
Price for four quarterly issues Cr$ 100,- in Brazil, US$ 10,outside Brazil. If desired add US$ 2,50 for airmail. Please send money-orders in favor of Catastrophist Geology through Banco Holandes Unido S/A, Caixa Postal 1242-ZC-00, Rio de Janeiro.
This introductory issue has been composed by the founder. In the future, editorial responsability will be shared; permanent collaborators will be organized in the following groups:
The following persons have manifested their willingness to sit on these boards or to act as correspondents:
Doeko Goosen pedologist Enschede/Holland Alistair Pitty geomorphologist Hull/Great Britain V.Axel Firsoff astronomer Glastonbury/Great Br. Horace C.Dudley physicist Chicago/U.S.A. G.W.van Oosterhout chemist Delft/Holland E.Nunes Pereira anthropologist Rio de Janeiro/Brazil Ewoud H. Bon exploration geologist Amsterdam/Holland David J.Thomas palaeontologist Oswego/U.S.A. Ron Middleton exploration geologist Rio de Janeiro/Brazil