Year 2, No. 2.
Decemher 1977
A magazine dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history
Publisher: Johan R.Kloosterman,
Caixa Postal 41.nol / Santa Teresa Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL
Price for four half-yearly issues is Cr$ 180, in Brazil, uss in,outside Brazil. If desired add US$3, for airmail. Please send money-orders in favour of Catastrophist Geoloqy through Panco Holandes Unido S/A, Caixa Postal 1242-7C-00, Rio de Janeiro.
In forthcoming issues:
Johan B.Kloosterman | geologist | Rio de Janeiro |
Charles Finkl | pedologist | Fort Lauderdale, USA |
Doeko Goosen | pedologist | Enschedé, Holland |
Alistair Pitty | geomorphologist | Hull, Great Britain |
Peter Gretener | geophysicist | Calgary, Canada |
Peter Chadwick | geologist/psychologist | Glasgow, Great Pritain |
Pietro Passerini | geologist | Florence, Italy |
Albert V.Carozzi | sedimentologist | Urbana, USA |
Board of advisors:
V.Axel Firsoff | astronomer | Glastonbury, Great Britain |
Horace C.Dudley | physicist | Chicago, USA |
Manoel Nunes Pereira | anthropologist | Rio de Janeiro |
Roger W.Wescott | linguist/prehistorian | Madison, USA |
Ewoud H.Bon | exploration geologist | Amsterdam |
David J.Thomas | palaeontologist | Osweqo, USA |
G.W.van Oosterhout | chemist | nelft, Holland |
R.n.van Everdinpen | hydrogeologist | Calgary, Canada |
C.Eugène Wegmann | geologist | Neuchitel, Switzerland |
In evaluating an MS submitted for Duhlication the followinq criteria are used, separately or together:
a) does it study discontinuities in Farth history? b) does it clarify what catastronhist qeoloqy is about? c) does it focus on subJects neglected or tabooed in the main stream geological journals?
Photomicrograph of thin section of dunite (nicols //) from the Gardiner intrusion, E. Greenland. Dendritic magnetite within olivine (foresterite). From: Frisch W., Keusen H.¸ 1977. Gardiner intrusion, an ultramafic complex at Kangerdlugssuag, E. Greenland. Grønl. Geol. Unders. Bull. 122, p.14. Scale: |--------------------| = 0.1mm
Euphemistically speaking...
This journal is a low-budget venture (euphemistically speaking), so I have to do most of the dirty work myself: correcting, running to the setter, running to the photographer, correcting again, measuring, cutting, gluing, running to the printer, and then - so help me God! - correcting again. It is a miracle that the journal reaches you at all, so please don't become too impatient when it reaches you a couple of months late (euphemistically speaking).
Han Kloosterman