Catastrophist Geology

Year 2, No.1. June 1977

A magazine dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history

In this Issue

Publisher: Johan B.Kloosterman
Caixa Postal 41.003 Rio de Janeiro/ BRASIL

Price for four semi-annual issues is Cr$ 140. in Brazil, US$ 10.outside Brazil. If desired add US$ 3. for airmail. Please send money-orders in favour of Catastrophist Geology through Banco Holandes Unido S/A, Caixa Postal 1242-ZC-00, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Editorial board:

Johan B.Kloosterman  geologistRio de Janeiro
Charles FinklpedologistFort Lauderdale,/USA
Doeko GoosenpedologistEnschede-/Holland
Alistair F.PittygeomorphologistHull/Great Britain
Peter GretenergeophysicistCalgary/Canada
Peter Chadwickgeologist/psychologist  Glasgow/Gr.Britain

Board of advisors:

V.Axel FirsoffastronomerGlastonbury/Gr.Britain
Horace C.DudleyphysicistChicago / USA
Manoel Nunes Pereira  anthropologist  Rio de Janeiro


Ewoud H.Bonexploration geologist  Amsterdam
David J.ThomaspalaeontologistOswego USA
G.W.van OosterhoutchemistDelft Holland
John M.Cubittmathematicalgeologist Syracuse / USA
Robert van Everdingen  hydrogeologistCalgary/Canada

In evaluating an MS submitted for publication the following criteria are used, separately or together:

  1. does it study discontinuities in Earth history?
  2. does it clarify what catastrophist geology is about?
  3. does it focus on subjects neglected or tabooed in the mainstream geological journals?

Cover design based on engravngs of mammoths in Font de Gaume cave, Dordogne, France.

In forthcoming Issue


From the middle of December 1977 to the middle of March 1978 1 can be reached at the following address: a/s "Schaarweide", Utrechtseweg 75, Zeist, HOLLAND. Mail sent in that period to Brazil will not be forwarded.

Han Kloosterman