Also forthcoming:
a special issue on The Alchemy of Rocks - the Transmutation of Elements in Geology, with contributions by George Choubert, P.A. Korolkov, Eugene A. Velitchko, C.Louis Kervran and Solomon Goldfein.
a special issue on Psycho-Lamarckism
A magazine dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history
Publisher: Johan B.Kloosterman, Caixa Postal 41.003, Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL
Price for 4 half-yearly issues is Cr$ 250,- in Brazil, US$ 10,outside Brazil, on a pay-first-receive-later basis. If desired add US$ 3,- for airmail. For institutes and persons that require an invoice the price is Cr$ 300,- in Brazil, US$ 13 outside Brazil. Please send checks in favour of Johan B.Kloosterman to the above address.
Johan B.Kloosterman | geologist | Rio de Janeiro |
Charles Finkl | pedologist | Fort Lauderdale, USA |
Albert V.Carozzi | sedimentologist | Urbana, USA |
Peter Gretener | geophysicist | Calgary, Canada |
Pietro Passerini | geologist | Florence, Italy |
Doeko Goosen | pedologist | Enschedé, Holland |
Board of advisors:
V.Axel Firsoff | astronomer | Glastonbury, Great Britain |
Horace C.Dudley | physicist | Chicago, USA |
Manoel Nunes Pereira | anthropologist | Rio de Janeiro |
Roger W.Wescott | linguist/prehistorian | Madison, USA |
René Thom | methematician | Bures-sur-Yvette, France |
Ewoud H.Bon | exploration geologist | Amsterdam |
David J.Thomas | palaeontologist | Osweqo, USA |
R.n.van Everdinpen | hydrogeologist | Calgary, Canada |
C.Eugène Wegmann | geologist | Neuchitel, Switzerland |
Oscar P.G. Braun | geologist | nRio de Janeiro |
George Choubert | geologist | Paris |
Leendert Krook | geologist | Amsterdam |
In evaluating an MS submitted for Duhlication the followinq criteria are used, separately or together:
Cover. Triassic fossils, after A. de Lapparent, 1883: Traité de Géologie.
I. Voltzia heterophyl la Brongt., a conifer from the Bunter Sandstone.
II. Clockwise from upper left: Retzia trigonella Schlott; Terebratul a vulgaris Schlott; Rhynchonella Mentzeli v. Buch; Spirifer Mentzeli Dunk (Muschelkalk) .
III. Tracks of Chirotherium, a labyrinthodont reptile (Bunter Sandstone).