A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis

Vol. IV, No. 1 Fall 1978


3 Polymathics and Catastrophism: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problems of Evolutionary Theory Roger W. Wescott
21 Gerontology, Environment, and Geological Catastrophism Richard K. Severs
29 The Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge Alban Wall
45 Abimilki, Azaru and Nikmed in the El-Amarna Correspondence and the Assyrian Annals Peter J. James
56 Eastern Anatolia and Velikovsky's Chronological Revisions - II Robert H. Hewsen
67 "Heaven and Earth": Catastrophism in Hamlet Irving Wolfe
90 The Rare and Roasted Phoenix: A View of Claude Levi-Strauss Jack Pockman
96 Problems of Orthodoxy . . .
2 Notes about the Contributors
Cover iii Notices


Lewis M. Greenberg

Executive Editor
Warner B. Sizemore

Senior Editors
Robert W. Bass, David Griffard, Robert H. Hewsen, Peter J. James,
Ralph E. Juergens, C. J. Ransom, Lynn E. Rose,
Roger W. Wescott and Irving Wolfe

Associate Editors
Richard F. Haines, Frederic B. Jueneman,
David Lorton, Earl R. Milton, Alan Parry, A. Mann Paterson,
Raymond C. Vaughan and John D. Waskom

Contributing Editors
Dwardu Cardona, Vancouver, B. C.; Zvi Rix, Jerusalem, Israel


Robert W. Bass (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins), Rhodes Scholar, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah: Senior Editor.

Lewis M. Greenberg (M.A., A.B.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania), Associate Professor of Art History and Chairman of the Dept. of Art History and Social Sciences, Moore College of Art (Philadelphia): Editor-in-Chief.

David Griffard (Ph.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh), Associate Professor of Psychology, Community College of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh): Senior Editor.

Richard F Haines (Ph.D., Michigan State Univ.), Research Member of NASA Ames Research Center (Mountain View): Associate Editor.

Robert H. Hewsen (Ph.D., Georgetown Univ.), Professor of History, Glassboro State College (Glassboro, N.J.): Senior Editor.

Peter J. James (B.A. - Hons. - Birmingham Univ.); Archaeologist and Assistant Editor of the SIS Review.

Frederic B. Jueneman (B.A., San Francisco State Univ.), Director/Research, Innovative Concepts Associates (San Jose, Calif.): Associate Editor.

Ralph E. Juergens (B.S., Case-Western Reserve), Civil Engineer (Flagstaff, Arizona): Senior Editor.

David Lorton (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins), Egyptologist, Associate Research Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Univ.: Associate Editor.

Earl Milton (Ph.D., Univ. of Alberta), Spectroscopist, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Lethbridge (Alberta): Associate Editor.

Alan Parry (Ph.D., Univ. of California, Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley), Head of the Univ. Counseling Centre, Univ. of Lethbridge (Alberta): Associate Editor.

A. Mann Paterson (Ph.D., SUNY-Buffalo), Professor of Philosophy, SUNY-College-Buffalo: Associate Editor.

C J. Ransom (Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, Austin), Physicist, General Dynamics Corp. (Fort Worth): Senior Editor.

Lynn E. Rose (Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania), Professor of Philosophy, SUNY-Buffalo: Senior Editor

Warner B. Sizemore (M.A., Temple Univ., B.D., Lincoln University), Assistant Professor of Religion, Glassboro State College: Executive Editor.

Raymond C. Vaughan (B.S., SUNY-Empire State College), Research Technician, Graphic Controls Corp. (Buffalo): Associate Editor.

John D. Waskom (Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Professor of Geology, Northwestern State Univ. of Louisiana, Natchitoches, Louisiana: Associate Editor.

Roger W. Wescott (Ph.D., Princeton Univ.), Rhodes Scholar, Professor of Anthropology & Linguistics, Drew Univ. (Madison, N. J.), and Past President of LACUS: Senior Editor

Irving Wolfe (Ph.D., Univ. of Bristol, England), Associate Professor of English at the Université de Montreal: Senior Editor.

KRONOS is an independent, non-profit quarterly
Published by KRONOS PRESS.
Copyright © September, 1978, KRONOS PRESS
ISSN: 0361-6584

Address all correspondence, manuscripts, and subscriptions to:
c/o Warner B. Sizemore
Glassboro State College
Glassboro, N.J. 08028.