- Sean Mewhinney's Critique Based on Bombastic Subterfuge, Evasion and Denial
Hyprocrisy * Ice Cores or Crystalline Spheres * Oxygen Isotope Layers, Snow Layering or Diffusion Layering * Corroboration or Disconformation of Ice Cores from Volacanic Material in Ice * Varves as Corroboration or Disconformation of Ice Cores * Heinrich Layers and the Greenland Ice Cores * Dendrochronology and Varves and Greenland Ice Cores vis a vis The Younger Days * Ice Modeling vs. Reality * Contradiction between the Different Ice Cores * Gas Evidence Culled by Glaciologists * Conclusion to Ice Cores
- Ice Age Milankovitch or Epicycles
The Marine Chronology and Milankovitch * Hemispheric Negation of Milankovitch * Velikovsky on Milankovitch and Milankovitch on Milankovitch * The Equatorial Region and Milankovitch
- Pole Shifts and the Arctic Ocean Ice Cover
Mewhinney: Models and Mollusks * Mewhinney: Majority Modeling and Minority Status * Mewhinney's Coup de Grace or Coup de Theatre
- Decades of Darkness and Dendrochronology
- Botanical Fantasies
Evidence of a Pole Shift from the Black Crowberry Bush * Peat Bogs, Trees and E. Nigrum
- Mapping Bombastic Evasion, Denial and Subterfuge
- The Ellenberger and Internet Debunkers