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330 results found.
33 pages of results. 1. Folklore, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Folklore Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.- PSALMS 19:2-3 The scholars who dedicate their efforts to gathering and investigating the folklore of peoples are constantly aware that folk tales require interpretation, for, in their opinion, these tales are not innocent and unambiguous products of the imagination, bu t veil some inner and more significant meaning. The legends of classic peoples, first -among them the Greeks, also belong to folklore. As early as pre-Christian times these legends were subjected ...
2. Folklore: Its Stability and Self-correcting Power [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 2 No. 2 (Summer 1986) Home | Issue Contents Folklore: Its Stability and Self-correcting Power Hildegard Wiencke-Lotz Is our fairy-tale Cinderella an echo of the historical Gudrun, epic heroine and Chief Judge of the Ancient Gothic Federation? Introductory notes Led by Homer's Iliad, in the year 1870, Heinrich Schliemann excavated a mound near Hissarlich expecting to find the remains of Troy. Although possibly mistaken about which of the many levels was Homer's Troy, his conviction that the Iliad contained more truth than fiction was vindicated, and the science of archaeology made a great step forward. According to the consensus of scholars that the Gudrun Epic was little more than a ...
3. Of "Pre-existing Ideas" In The Souls Of Peoples, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Of "Pre-existing Ideas" In The Souls Of Peoples The similarity of motifs in the folklore of various peoples on the five continents and on the islands of the oceans posed a difficult problem for the ethnologists and anthropologists. The migration of ideas may follow the migration of peoples, but how co uld unusual motifs of folklore reach isolated islands where the aborigines do not have any means of crossing the sea? And why did not technical civilization travel together with spiritual? Peoples still living in the stone age, possess the same, often st range, motifs as the cultured nations. The ...
4. Venus In The Folklore Of The Indians, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Venus In The Folklore Of The Indians Primitive peoples often are bound by inflexible customs and beliefs that date back hundreds of generations. The traditions of many primitive peoples speak of a "lower sky" in the past, a "larger sun," a swifter movement of the sun across the firmament, a shorter day that became longer after the sun was arrested on its path. World conflagration is a frequent motif in folklore. According to the Indians of the Pacific coast of North America the "shooting star" and the "fire drill" set the world aflame. In the ...
5. Folklore and Mythology Electronic Textstled [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1999:1 (Apr 1999) Home | Issue Contents Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/folktexts.html Dozens of online myths and fables from across the globe, including: Aging and Death in Folklore; Air Castles; Animal Brides; Master Builder Legends, & Death of the Seven Dwarfs. ...
6. Aster and Disaster: Toward a Catastrophist Mode of Mythological Interpretation [Journals] [Kronos]
... none of whom, though they wrote in Arabic, came from Arabia.(16) Apparently some measure of ethnic or geographic alienation is conducive to the detachment needed by scholars if they are to gain fresh understanding of what others take for granted.) It was not till the 19th century, however, that, following the recognition of folklore as an autonomous field of study, at least a dozen competing schools of mythological interpretation appeared in England, Germany, and Austria. By the 1950s, France, Switzerland, and the United States were also represented, and the number of "jarring sects" had risen to well over two dozen. To simplify this Babel, one ...
7. The Dragon in Myth and Folklore [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 3 No 4 (Apr 1981) Home | Issue Contents The Dragon in Myth and Folklore/h1 Martin Sieff 1. THE DRAGON IN THE HEAVENS The Norse Eddas commemorate the clash at World's End, on the day of Ragnarok, between Thor, the thunderbolt-wielding light god, and Jormungardur, the Midgard Serpent, the great snake gaping in the heaven above. ". .. a pageant went on in the sky which presented itself to the horrified onlookers on earth as a gigantic battle".(1 ) This pageant is enshrined elsewhere in the world in descriptions of such epic battles as those between Isis and Seth (Egyptian mythology), ...
8. The Science of Catastrophism [Articles]
... rent and overturned, and the sky was filled with darkness and light, blazing heat and choking dust, rains of fire and overwhelming thunder, unstoppable, unpredictable and colossal. We who are catastrophists believe three general things: that events like these did probably occur, that our ancestors saw, remembered and recorded them in myth, religion, folklore and art, and that we the human race are as scarred psychologically by them as the Earth was geologically. As Velikovsky put it, "We are descendants of survivors, themselves descendants of survivors." This may sound radical, hard to accept, implausible, like a fairy tale. Fifty years ago, when Velikovsky's theory first ...
9. Velikovsky and Historical Anti-Naturism [Journals] [Kronos]
... vomiting of lava by thousands of volcanoes, melting of the ground, boiling of the sea, submersion of continents, a primeval chaos bombarded by flying hot stones, the roaring of the cleft earth, and the loud hissing of tornadoes of cinders.(7 ) In Velikovsky's view, the reason that many similar motifs keep recurring in the folklore and mythology of so many diverse peoples is that "a great many ideas reflect real historical content".(8 ) This is in sharp opposition to Durkheim, who was convinced that religious thought does not come in contact with reality, except to cover it at once with a thick veil which conceals its real forms; this veil ...
10. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... extracts from Linton's booklets in section 61; Cooper Square Publishers Inc. for the extracts from Anesaki in section 58, Holmben in section 61, & Alexander in sections 65 & 66; Penguin Books for the extracts from Watling's translation of "Thyestes"; Harvard University Press for the extracts from Thompson in section 65; the Journal of American Folklore for the extracts from Teit, Lowie & Shelton in sections 63, 64 & 67; the University of Oklahoma Press for the extracts from Recinos, Goetz & Morley's translation of the Popol Vuh in section 68. Finally I must again thank the staff of the Manchester Central Library and the quick copy service of the Bodleian Library, Oxford ...
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