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... symbols have been added, sometimes in very crude fashion. This seems to indicate that seals already engraved were offered for sale with blank spaces in which a few- items chosen by the buyer could be added (cf. Babylonian seals Nos. 213, 228, and 254). The earlier seals of the group show deities wearing simple horned crowns, especially in the introduction scenes where one deity leads a worshiper by the hand toward another deity. Then elaborate horned crowns appear, together with round caps worn by worshipers or deities. Such pieces as Nos. 173-74 and 178 may be assigned with some certainty to the period of the 3d dynasty of Ur. BABYLONIAN SEALS It ...
2. The Crescent [Books]
... lofty region receive the title Somagiri, the "Mountains of the Moon." (40) At work is the cosmic image of a crescent moon resting upon a great mountain and thereby forming a cleft summit. ". .. The figure presented to their imagination, would be a conical peak terminating in two points formed by the two horns of the crescent." (41) Consistent with the universal sun-in-crescent , the great father himself stands midway between the peaks of the right and left, states Faber. (42) One thus derives the images and as the simplest renderings of the "Mountain of the Crescent." Every student of ancient symbolism, of course, ...
3. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... and a few of the elders that had been with him before when in Nun. These were taken into the sanctuary, where he speaks "in the presence of the elders and fathers of the older gods, creators of men, and of wise beings." The Destruction, it says, takes place through Hathor, with the gilded horns, who is to destroy, and does destroy, men during three days of sailing. "She smote men over the whole land," and completed their destruction, with the help of Ra, who then feels that proper protection will be given to mankind. During the destruction blood was shed freely over the land. This blood ...
4. KA [Books]
... bird of Zeus. It was often shown on a sceptre [9 ]. The falcon, hierax, is obviously sacred with such a name (hieros, sacred). In Egypt Horus was the falcon god. The owl, glaux, was sacred to Athene, who is called Glaukopis, with owl-like appearance. Some owls are called horned owls, but in the case of Athene the staring eye is likely to be the reason for the epithet. Sufferers from jaundice were advised to look at the stonecurlew. This bird has large golden eyes. Plutarch writes: "The bird draws out the malady, which issues, like a stream, through the eyesight." The ...
5. On testing The Polar configuration [Journals] [Aeon]
... column as the reference. It did look like a shining column of water or air. And it did appear to hold aloft the sun god's enclosure. By this logic we have an explanation for two seemingly unrelated hieroglyphs for the Egyptian shu noted below: the first a pillar (A :1 ) -tracing to prehistoric Egyptian images of a horned pillar,as our model would predict (A :2 ); and the second (B ) depicting the aethereal stream beneath the wheel of the central sun. A:1 . Symbol of Shu A:2 . Primitive form of (1 ) B. Hieroglyph for shu Figure 3 The reader will note that the glyph ( ...
6. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... school of mineralogy! Charles Wolfe, in his Burial of Sir John Moore after the battle of Corunna, January 16, 1809, said that it was by the struggling moonbeams' misty light, whereas the moon did not shine that night, whether misty or clear; and Coleridge, in the Rime of Me Ancient Mariner, had the horned moon with one bright star Within the nether tip. The astronomy of the modern newspaper is notorious- ridiculous were not the fact of such prevalent ignorance lamentable. Classical writers abounded in stellar allusions far more than do authors of our day; in fact, Quintilian, of our 1st century, in his Institutio Oratoria, insisted that a ...
... and dislike Shape of the dragons . Male and female dragons Different kinds of dragons. Kiao lung Rearing and taming dragons Dragons ridden by sien, or drawing the cars of gods and holy men. Dragon-boats Dragon-tail-road" and other words connected with the dragon. Dragon-gate Dragon's dens Dragon herds Dragon's pearls Dragon's eggs Dragon's bones, skins, teeth, horns, brains, livers, placentae and fetus, used as medicines Dragon's blood, fat and saliva CHAPTER IV ORNAMENTS. Symbols of Imperial dignity and fertilizing rain, represented on garments, honorary gates, coffins etc. Nine different kinds of dragons, used as ornaments Ornaments used by Wu-ist priests and mediurns 4. The dragons and the ball ...
... in his shows at Rome, and had stamped on his medals, and of which Pausanias has left a very good description. Even the one- * See this more particularly noticed in the history of the elephant, in the second volume of my Researches into the Extraneous or Fossil Remains of Quadrupeds. . THEORY OF THE EARTH. 79 horned rhinoceros, although its country be far from Rome, was equally known to the Romans ; Pompey showed them one in the circus, and Strabo has described another which he saw at Alexandria.* The hippopotamus has not been so well described by the ancients as the two foregoing animals ; yet very exact representations of it have been left ...
9. The Domestication of Cattle. Interdisciplinary Evidence in Support of Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of life, but the tools of modern science are here used to effect in substantiating Hahn's synthesis of ancient religions, archaeology, zoology and cultural history to show that the Urus, a large, wild, intractable animal formerly spread widely throughout Asia, Europe and north Africa, was originally sought out for sacrificial purposes because of its enormous crescent-shaped horns. A pertinent argument in favour of this view is the fact that several other herd species such as bison, which were either more common or very much easier to tame, but which did not possess large crescent horns, were not domesticated at this earlier period. Relief from Deir el-Bahn showing Hatshepsut suckled by the goddess Hathor, depicted ...
10. Legends and Miracles [Books] [de Grazia books]
... "he caught the reflection of it so that from its radiance his face began to shine."[6 ] When he descends, the people recoil from him in fright and awe. His countenance is radiant. He has a halo - the first halo, and the only one on earth - Neher states enthusiastically. Others give Moses horns on this occasion. Michelangelo's great conception of Moses depicts him with horns. Why didn't the Jews and Catholics complain of this? Daiches presents an unconvincing etymological argument [7 ]. All the medieval and Renaissance scholars and churchmen, led astray by St. Jerome, read a word wrong: Karen (H ) is a verb meaning ...
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