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... of transmitting to us correct or satisfactory information respecting the nations with which they were acquainted. The ecclesiastics who followed in their train, and from whom more might have been expected, actuated by a fierce bigotry, and eager only to elevate the symbol of their intolerance over the emblems of a rival priesthood, misrepresented the religious conceptions of the Indians, and exaggerated the bloody observances of the aboriginal ritual, as an apology, if not a justification, for their own barbarism and cruelty. They threw down the high altars of Aztec superstition, and consecrated to their own mummeries the solar symbols of the Peruvian temples. They burned the, pictured historical and mythological records of the, ...
... be added [ CD-Rom Home ] Full DjVu online at Univ. of Georgia The Dragon in China and Japan Dr. M. W. VISSER Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetense to Amsterdam AFDELING LETTERKUNE NIEUWE REEKS DEEL XIII No. 2 Amsterdam Johannes Muller PREFACE. The student of Chinese and Japanese religion and folklore soon discovers the mighty influence of Indian thought upon the Far-Eastern mind. Buddhism introduced a great number of Indian, not, especially Buddhist, conceptions and legends, clad in a Buddhist garb, into the eastern countries, in China. Taoisrn was ready to gratefully take up these foreign elements which in many respects reseualded its own ideas or were of the same nature. In ...
... The Swastika The Earliest Known Symbol, and its Migrations; With Observations on the Migration of Certain Industries in Prehistoric Times.Thomas Wilson Curator, U.s . National Museum of Anthropology and Prehistory. Table of Contents Preface Definitions, Description, and Origin Dispersion of the Swastika, Forms Allied to the Swastika. The Cross Among the American Indians. Significance of the Swastika. The Migration of Symbols. Historic Objects Associated with the Swastika, Found in Both Hemispheres and Believed to Have Been Passed by Migration. Similar Prehistoric Arts, Industries and Implements in Europe and America As Evidence of the Migration of Culture. Conclusion. Preface. An English gentleman, versed in prehistoric archaeology, ...
4. Venus In The Folklore Of The Indians, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Venus In The Folklore Of The Indians Primitive peoples often are bound by inflexible customs and beliefs that date back hundreds of generations. The traditions of many primitive peoples speak of a "lower sky" in the past, a "larger sun," a swifter movement of the sun across the firmament, a shorter day that became longer after the sun was arrested on its path. World conflagration is a frequent motif in folklore. According to the Indians of the Pacific coast of North America the "shooting star" and the "fire drill" set the world aflame. In the ...
5. Casa Grande-Another Indian Astronomical Site [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History II:2 (Jun 1980) Home | Issue Contents Casa Grande-Another Indian Astronomical Site Ron Anjard The astronomical expertise of the ancient American Indian is becoming more understood. The most obvious evidence are the Medicine Wheels, best typified by the Wyoming Medicine Wheel and the Kivas of the southwestern United States, particularly of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Recently a very unusual marker- a pictography system for the noon summer solstice- was also found in Chaco Canyon. While visiting the Casa Grande ruins in southern Arizona in November 1978 I found another interesting example of Tamarind "megalithic astronomy." In all my research I had never seen this specific site ...
6. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... the subject of " circular worship,". p. 134; for it is not possible to separate the consideration of the turning of the praise-wheel from the ritualistic practice of walking round and round shrines and.sacred trees.] .• .. , ., . _. C. F. Oordon-Cui#ming : rHimalavas and Indian Plains, 432. 433. 435. 437- 2 ? 'ravels, i, 202 ; i, 73. Buddhism, t F So, p. 210. Wheel. : The Fire- Wheel. 591 The Fire-Wheel. GEIGER pointed out, too, how the holy butter, indispensable. at the morning sacrifice, ...
7. Northwest Indian Myths of Catastrophe [Articles]
... Northwest Indian Myths of Catastrophe Vine Deloria I'd like to thank Richard Heinberg, the previous speaker, for proving that Western Civilization is composed of schizoid, paranoid, psychopathic killers! (Laughter) That saved me half an hour in my speech right there. Let's accept that premise and then we can talk about the wisdom of the gentle hunter-gathers in peace. I encountered Velikovsky's work shortly after Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos came out. I was then a geology students at the Colorado School of Mines and I would spend some class periods looking out the window at the hogback and Flatirons of the Front Range and half-heartedly listen to my professor explaining that these formations had risen ...
... Men living farther to the north and south saw the more or less distant fire-rain without experiencing much of it themselves. It is the American aborigines who supply the greater number these tales. At the time of the breakdown of the Tertiary satellite their forefathers lived in the northern and southern subtropical places of refuge. The Ntlakapamuk, or Thompson River Indians, a tribe of Salishan stock, now settling in the Thompson River region of British Columbia, say that in the time of their forefathers the waters rose to quench a Great Fire which raged in the world. The Muskwaki Indians, settling in Western Canada, have a myth that Kitche Manitou destroyed the world twice, first through a ...
... assumed, insensibly, a conformation fitted to support them in an erect attitude, till at last these animals could no longer go on all-fours without much inconvenience. The Angola orang (Simia troglodytes, Linn,) is the most perfect of . 576 CONVERSION OF THE ORANG-OUTANG. [On. XXXIII. animals ; much more so than the Indian orang (Simia Satyrus), which has been called the orang-outang, although both are very inferior to man in corporeal powers and intelligence. These animals frequently hold themselves upright ; but their organization has not yet been sufficiently modified to sustain them habitually in this attitude, so that the standing posture is very uneasy to them. When the ...
10. Indians of Illinois [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: The Burning of Troy, by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER TEN Indians of Illinois June 14, 1974 To: Professor Howard Winters Department of Anthropology New York University From: Professor Alfred de Grazia Dear Professor Winters: Thank you for the materials on the S. Illinois digs at Modoc, Riverton, Koster (et al), and the U.S . Corps of Engineers surveys on Southern Illinois. I am returning them herewith, since I shall be leaving for Greece soon, but I would like to talk to you more about them before leaving, if that is possible. My problem was this: the stratigraphic work of Schaeffer and others ...
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