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26 pages of results. 1. The Electric Universe: Part I: Electrical Scarring [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents Day 3: Sun 8 July 2001. AM 1:45 Wal Thornhill: The Electric Universe: Part I: Electrical Scarring 2:45 Mel Acheson: Verbal Vignette 2:50 Dave Talbott: Symbols of an Alien Sky: Part II The Electric Universe: Part I: Electrical Scarring Wal Thornhill points out some Grand Canyon features WAL THORNHILL kicked off the afternoon session describing his Electric Universe theory, focussing on electrical scarring on planets. Wal suggested that geologists are unable to simulate the shape of lunar craters with the use of explosives or high speed impacts. And then he begs the ...
2. The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About Human Origins [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1992 No 1 (Aug 1992) Home | Issue Contents REVIEWS The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About Human Origins by Elaine Morgan (Souvenir Press, London, 1990) In this brief, clear, and engaging presentation of the Aquatic Hypothesis on human evolution, Mrs. Morgan succinctly details the evidence for our ancestors' ecological detour from Miocene forests to Pleistocene grasslands by way of Pliocene seashores. More precisely, she follows the late Leon P. La Lumiere of the U.S . Naval Research Laboratory in locating the cradle of the hominids on what used to be Danakil Island (but is now the Danikil upland ...
3. The Twin Tilts of the Spin Axes of Mars and Earth [Articles]
... Each pattern may be a square as small as four inches on a side. When assembled all together and sewn together, collectively they comprise a quilt. Many quilts are remarkable works of art while their individual squares are not very remarkable. The collage presents the overview of each significant part. Our collage, or quilt we entitle "The Scars of Mars." There are over a dozen different kinds of scars of Mars. Taken together, they reveal a pattern of repeated, even periodic catastrophism. The over all pattern of the parts is best illustrated in our Figure 1. THE THIRD ORBIT OF MARS Figure 1 shows the "Second Orbit of the Earth," one ...
4. Remarks from the Portland Symposium 3-5 Jan 1997 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... give one other example of linkage between the historical argument and plasma physics. Perhaps ten years ago I first noticed an interesting mythical theme I designated the scarface motif'. It is actually quite common: the warrior-hero running amok, only to be struck down by a heaven-shattering thunderbolt or other weapon, then emerging from the episode with a great scar on his cheek, his forehead, or his thigh. Well, it struck me when looking at a picture of Mars, that even in a small photo the continental-scale chasm on Mars - the Valles Marineris - looks like a giant scar. And I realized that any electrical discharge capable of carving out such a chasm would throw an ...
5. The Electric Universe CD by Wallace Thornhill [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Crash, Spencer and Mitton, pg. 2) Thornhill's electrical theory of the same data begins with "The fly-by of Comet Halley didn't show material being boiled away, instead it showed plasma beams centered on craters facing the sun. What we saw were circular craters being formed right in front of the Giotto cameras producing the same kind of scarring seen on asteroids and moons. It was confirmed by the discovery of x-rays and high energy ions near the nucleus that the material was being electrically removed. " [The Electric Universe CD, pg. 43] Thornhill goes on to discuss non-gravitational orbital anomalies of comets, then challenges received opinion that a comet is defined by its size ...
6. Of the Moon and Mars, Part 2 [Journals] [Pensee]
... From: Pensée Vol. 4 No 5: (Winter 1974-75) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered X" Home | Issue Contents Of the Moon and Mars, Part 2 Ralph E. Juergens SEARCHING FOR THE SCARS OF BATTLE Mr. Juergens is associate editor of Pensee. This paper is an extension of his presentation to the McMaster University symposium, "Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System," June 16-19, 1974. The first part of this paper (Pensee, Fall, 1974) was devoted primarily to an argument that sinuous rilles, features peculiar to maria surfaces on the Moon, are of electrical origin. It was suggested that these tortuous "riverbeds" ...
7. New Physics Supports Planetary Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... orbit from the vicinity of Jupiter or Saturn in the order of 100 years. When planets and moons are close enough, a more violent form of charge exchange may occur. It is then that the apocalyptic weapon of the planetary gods is unleashed - the interplanetary thunderbolt. If such events have truly occurred we should find evidence in the surface scars of planets and moons. What do we actually find? The planets provide an embarrassment of riches. Electrical scarring is ubiquitous in the solar system, from tiny meteorites to asteroids, moons and all planets with a solid surface. It becomes evident why the controversy over volcano versus impact to explain cratering ran for so long [18] ...
8. Are the Moon's Scars Only 3000 Years Old? [Journals] [Pensee]
... From: Pensée Vol. 2 No 2: (May 1972) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered I" Home | Issue Contents Are the Moon's Scars Only 3000 Years Old?Immanuel Velikovsky Editor's Note: The following article, referred to in "A Record of Success," was published in the New York Times, early city edition, July 21, 1969. The material in brackets was acknowledged by the Times to have fallen out of the piece during the production process. Man, free from the bonds tying him to the rock of his birth, is about to make his first steps on the lunar landscape. It is an amazing achievement of man's technological genius, and ...
9. Thoth Vol III, No. 4: Feb 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... having never seen anything but the calm sailing of the planets around the sun, should dismiss as impossible claims of a stormy solar system. It's easy to interpret the testimonies of ancient peoples as the ravings of a febrile imagination that peculiarly afflicted them. It's only a bit more difficult to shrug off or to explain away the ruins and the scars of the storm as we and our space probes pick our way through its aftermath. But the scars on our souls, passed down from parent to child, institutionalized, acculturated, perplex and plague us. The normal and the neurotic intertwine and become indistinguishable. The best intentions produce the worst consequences. Great evils are perpetrated by people ...
10. The Electric Universe [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of electrical phenomena in space could illuminate work being done in comparative mythology. By using information from a wide span of human existence and knowledge, the Electric Universe can provide answers to many questions that seem unrelated. For example, records of the prehistoric sky can help unravel the recent history of the planets and the planets bear witness with pristine scars of cosmic encounters. The result is an exciting Big Picture' that emphasises our dramatic prehistory and essential connection with the universe. In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. ' Galileo Galilei What is wrong with the present cosmology of the Big Bang that suggests we should think ...
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