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447 results found.
45 pages of results. 1. General Conclusions [Books]
... in the theory of evolution. We reviewed the way in which the science of meteoritics, originating in astronomy, geophysics, and geology, came into existence and the battles it has had to fight in order to demonstrate clearly and ... this role was an insignificant one."1 On the contrary, many meteoriticists, some geologists, and several geophysicists have concluded that the role of impacts in geology may have been very important.2 We have shown that the ... of explosion products (impactite, coesite, stishovite, shatter cones, etc.) constitutes one of the main criteria for the identification of impact craters. All of them (except shatter cones) have been found in the prototype ...
... Graham K.W .T .; "Re-Magnetization of a Surface Outcrop by Lightning Curr..." Geophysical Journal, Vol. 6 (1961), pp. 85-102. S.K . Runcorn of the University ... . The subjectiveness of such counts is highlighted by a report by R.G . Hipkin, an Edinburgh University geophysicist, that he counted 253 ridges and later 359 ridges in a repeat count of the same specimen." This ... 1960's, I found that Earth in Upheaval was displacing The Origin of Species in the courses of a number of geophysicists-as in the case of my visit to Oberlin College in 1965. At Princeton University, Earth in Upheaval, from ...
3. Comparing Magnetic Fields: Neptune and Uranus [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... they have been able to rationalize all the observations." [T ]he nature of the source of planetary magnetic fields still remains one of the principal unsolved problems of geophysics. (1 ) The geophysicists' rationalization to explain planetary magnetism can be seen in how several findings, contradictory to the theory, were made to fit the dynamo ... . For example, most dynamo theorists expected that Mercury, which rotates on its axis in about 58.6 days- which is quite slow, and is a massively small, internally cold planet- would not possess any magnetic field whatsoever. Clark R. Chapman explains, Perhaps most surprising of all was the discovery that Mercury has a dipole field ...
4. Wolfe Creek Crater: Some Recent Geophysical Data [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon Volume VI, Number 4 Home | Issue Contents Wolfe Creek Crater: Some Recent Geophysical Data Louis A. G. Hissink Wolfe Creek was first discovered in 1947 from an aerial survey, but was previously known to the local Aborigines as "Kandimalal." The crater is circular and has a diameter of 880 metres, with the floor of the crater some 60 metres below the rim. It lies 90 kilometres south of Halls Creek on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert in Western Australia. The crater is conventionally interpreted as a classic meteorite crater and dated to 300,000 years BP. Fragments of the meteorite which created the crater have been found and ...
5. Geophysical Time Series and Catastrophism [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 1 No. 1 (June 1976) Home | Issue Contents Geophysical Time Series and Catastrophism Vít Klemeš Hydrology Research Division, Inland Waters Directorate Department of the Environment Ottawa, Canada. Introduction The old goal of a great many Egyptian rulers and governments to harness the Nile River and make use of the Nile water ... The failure of the exponent h to accord with theory underlying eq. (1 ) has been labelled the Hurst phenomenon. It has long resisted an adequate theoretical explanation and geophysicists and mathematicians still have not reached agreemeht as to its cause. One theoretical model that accounts for the Hurst phenomenon is a stochastic process called fractional Brownian noise (fBn ...
6. On the Convection of Electric Charge by the Rotating Earth [Journals] [Kronos]
... this charge is actively imposed on our planet by the demands of an electrified cosmic environment. As we shall see, these premises suggest mutually consistent solutions to several problems in geophysics in addition to those pointed out by Velikovsky. As complementary assumptions, therefore, they show promise as the basis for a wide ranging geophysical working hypothesis. Electric Convection ... in the frame of reference appropriate to that work they hold up well under close scrutiny. It is to be regretted that in the span of a full quarter-century no accredited geophysicist ever came forward to take up Velikovsky's cause. One would think that the sheer weight of space-age discoveries- most of them pointing to an electric universe in the Velikovskian ...
7. A New Introduction to Earth in Upheaval [Journals] [SIS Review]
... publication and for two decades, was required reading in the palaeontology course of Professor Glenn Jepsen. H. H. Hess, Chairman of the Department of Geology (later Geophysics), told me that he knew Earth in Upheaval by heart; he debated it with me at the first open meeting of "Cosmos and Chronos", which ... attribute the layer to a world-wide volcanism or perhaps to the fiery end of bodies of cosmic origin. (3 ) And when occasionally I was confronted with entire faculties of geophysicists (as in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1967) who would claim that all signs of catastrophes resulted from local events, I would refer to the findings of Heezen ...
8. Discussion [Journals] [Aeon]
... a textbook on the thermodynamics of the atmosphere at the time he proposed his version of continental drift. His writings reveal him to be thoroughly at home in the treatment of geophysical data. He wrote throughout his life on geophysical subjects, and his articles were published in geophysical journals. His ideas were considered important enough to be discussed by geophysicists ... Wegener, the earliest proponent of continental drift. "A great deal of nonsense has been written concerning Wegener's profession. It has been extensively argued that he was not a geophysicist but a meteorologist and that this was in some way a reason to reject his theory when it came to be internationally debated in the 1920's. Wegener was already the ...
9. The Origin Of The Moon [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Moon is so immensely improbable that one cannot take such a view seriously. In spite of this, I will show that of the four lunar origin theories, the fundamental geophysical evidence only supports the recent capture model; that this same evidence denies the reality of the other three hypotheses; and that recent research suggests lunar capture by the Earth ... Vol 2 No 3 (1994) Home | Issue Contents The Origin Of The Moon Charles Ginenthal The origin of the Moon has been an extremely controversial problem among astronomers and geophysicists for a long time. There are, at present, four major theories under consideration by members of the astrophysical community. Each of the four groups of advocates has ...
10. Of the Moon and Mars, Part 2 [Journals] [Pensee]
... . Baldwin, The Measure of the Moon (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), Chapter 8. 61. L. B. Loeb, Journal of Geophysical Research 71, (October 15, 1966): 4711. 62. The postulated Mars-Moon potential difference of 1012 volts, spanning an interplanetary gap of 5000 km ( ... volcanism is due to rifting of the Earth's crust, which permits the establishment of "permanently open conduits" along which molten rock can rise from the mantle. Currently, geophysicists connect volcanism with "continental drift" and "plate tectonics," but it is difficult to do the same with Martian volcanism. Velikovskian catastrophism, supported by historical ...
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