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... B. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii. BAE Bulletin 38. Washington, 1909. Emory, Kenneth P. Tuamotuan Religious Structures and Ceremonies. Bulletin BPB Mus. 191. Honolulu, 1947. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, James ... : The Lost Treasure 326 Conclusion 344 Appendices 351 Bibliography 453 Index 485 Ackerman, Phyllis. "The Dawn of Religion," in Forgotten Religions, V. Fermi, ed. New York, 1950. Aelianus. De natura ... "Finno-Ugric and Siberian Mythology," MAR, vol. 4 (1927). Holmberg, Uno. Die religiosen Vorstellungen der altaischen Volker. Ubers. von E. Kunze. FFC, vol. 125 (1938). ...
... of travel, for "according to the majority of the MSS the story is to be nothing more than a religious novel." 8 As the Keltic terrestrial Paradise, Avalon, was a sea-girt island in the waters of the ... paradox. Nor yet is it a cunningly devised fable aimed at particular tendencies in current science, philosophy, or religion. It is a thoroughly serious and sincere attempt to present what is to the author's mind the true and final ... also chapter fourth of the same Part. Notes. 1. " Die Secte der Taosse hat die Sagen und religiosen Gebrauchedes alten China's noch am Meisten aufbewahrt." Liiken, Traditionen des Menschengeschlechtes, p. TJ. " Lao-tse ...
3. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... different' if not less arduous kind, to devote years of labour to the study of the origin of cosmopolitan religious myths and symbols' and embody the results in a work of so profound and varied a character. Gifted with ... de nouveau d escrire de la relz'*,o-ion il diroit ce qii'il en croid; mzis (la religion) estant desia recerce et fornc!e , il en lira selorz l'itsttg-e'plus que selon natiere (Dans S' ... A plant of this holy basil also appears on a stand at the foot of the village pipal-tree (a ficus religiosa) where women who have no tulasi at home go for their soul's constitutional. - At Vishnu's temples one of ...
... further divided, numerically expressed and related one to another. It is on these same principles that the political and religious authority of chiefs, the family system and juridical rights, reflected notably in kinship and marriages, have been established ... Varro's clear statement: iuba dicitur stella Lucifer." [n8 See W. Gundel, De stellarum appellatione et religione Romana (1907), p. 106; Reuter, pp. 256, 295ff.]. Nonetheless, ... , Altaic stories about one or the other Mundilfoeri "begetting" Sun and Moon. Uno Holmberg states (Die religiosen Vorstellungen der altaischen Volker [1938], pp. 22,63,89f.): In the myths ...
5. A Catastrophist Reading of Religious Systems [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1994 (Vol XVI) (Oct 1995) Home | Issue Contents A Catastrophist Reading of Religious Systems by Irving Wolfe [* Original paper presented at the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Tenth Annual Seminar, Haliburton ... I interrogated our largest belief systems from the point of view of catastrophism. In this article I will focus on religion and perform a thought experiment upon the subject which asks the overriding question - what lies behind the successful religions of ... with cosmology. God To explain the curious title of this section, I must begin with a short excursus on religion's component parts as I see them. My reason for doing so is that for many people religion is a matter ...
6. Tunguska-Type Impacts Over the Pacific Basin Around the Year 1178 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... people took refuge up on the Mexican plateau in the marshes of Lake Texcoco. Probably they interpreted the catastrophe in religious terms as a punishment by their gods for not being sufficiently pious. Thus they adopted a policy of strong piety ... which in their religion meant a policy of human sacrifices, whose roots can probably be traced in the reenactment of past catastrophic events in the solar system. Finally, it is worth recalling that the Toltec civilisation, which was in ... . The Middle East In the Middle East we observe, for the period under consideration, a general resurgence of religiosity and acts of atonement. Two episodes can be quoted: in Alamut, the stronghold of the Ismailites, Jelal-ad-Din ...
... Hades) for a very long time, returned to animate other bodies" (R . W. Williamson, Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia [1924], vol. I, p. 208), which recalls ... geography by a chasm which pierces the sphere right through from side to side." [n16 Orpheus and Greek Religion (1952), p. 168.]. It is source and mouth of all waters. It is ... left of the white path, and so Orion and Ursa Major were separated [n18 U. Holmberg, Die religiosen Vorstellungen der altaischen Volker (1938), pp. 201f.]. The "Foot of the Stag" ...
8. Syllabi for Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... kinds of catastrophes claimed by religion. 5. Practices. A. The conversion of legendary experiences into forms of religious practices. B. Cross-cultural identification of the principal deities and their traits. 6. Ideology A. The functions ... ideas and theories into most fields of knowledge. II. THE PLACE OF CATASTROPHISM IN THE ORIGINS AND HISTORY OF RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY 4. Origins. A. The ascribed and actual origins of all major religions in catastrophes: Cases ... human future. Primevalogy is a most difficult and complex field, both because of the clash of fundamental theories (religious-scientific, evolutionary-revolutionary), and because of the scarcity and ambiguity of data. Indeed the field hovers on the edge ...
9. On Comets, Comet-Like Luminous Apparitions and Meteors (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... were they removed. Today, as many centuries ago, these spiral pendants merely represent the primitive surrogate for a religious symbol. The considerable prevalence of this sign, with its significance as a "lightning symbol", also explains ... 4. (Aelian, De Natura Animalium X, 27). 33. Martin Nilsson, Geschichte der Griechischen Religion I (Munich, 1955), pp. 520-521. [Cf. D. Cardona, "Child of ... ff. Schaumberger deals here only with purely astronomical texts without any astrological supplements. 63. Kurt Latte, Römische Religionsgeschichte, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaften V, 4 (Munich, 1960), p. 96. 64. Latte, ...
10. The World Ages, Prologue Ch.2 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... . Dixon, Oceanic Mythology (1916), p. 15. 18. R. W. Williamson, Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia (1933), I, 89. 19. The Poetic Edda: Völuspa ... Reference to ages and catastrophes is found in Avesta (Zend-Avesta), the sacred scriptures of Mazdaism, the ancient religion of the Persians.(8 ) "Bahman Yast," one of the books of Avesta, counts seven ... ," Revue del'histoire des religions (1931), p. 50; H.S . Nyberg, Die Religionen des alten Iran (1938), pp. 28 ff. 9. "Bahman Yast" (transl. ...
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